My Story

Maybe you think I’ve always been a stylish person: one of those women who always knew what to wear and how to wear it.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

I spent my teenage years and early adulthood wading through the shame of wanting to be seen, the frustration when clothes never looked the same way on me that they looked on the model, and the pervasive idea that if I just looked different - if I had different hair, a different body, a different face, if I were a different person altogether - I would be better.

I couldn’t understand why this was so hard for me, and why other women had it figured out when I didn’t. Why couldn’t I just walk into a store and pick out a blouse that looked good?

Thus began a long and painful cycle of experimentation and regret. A box of Clairol hair dye because my hair was “mousy.” A dark red dress that I couldn’t go two minutes without adjusting because it wasn’t stretchy enough for my hips. A new shade of lipstick every time I went to the drugstore, which I would apply in my rearview mirror before I left the parking lot, only to be disappointed in the face looking back at me.

All of this wheel-spinning experimentation morphed into a reluctance to spend any real money on myself. I had no idea what I was doing, and everything looked bad anyway.

Then something happened.

I discovered Personal Color Analysis, and with it the idea that nothing was actually wrong with me. I just didn’t know what was right for me.

With many people in my personal life thinking I had completely lost it, I took a leap of faith and decided to train as a personal color analyst. Learning my season had such an immediate and dramatic impact on my perception of my self that I walked around in a daze of self-discovery for months.

Shortly afterward, when a colleague introduced me to Personal Image Analysis and instructed me in the best styles of clothing for my body, I felt for the first time that maybe I could figure this whole thing out. I could look really good after all.

What surprised me, though, was that crafting my own distinctive aesthetic was fun, and I had a talent for it.

I taught myself to combine my season’s colors in a way that felt creative and polished. I taught myself to wear my archetype’s lines and design details in a youthful and modern way, with a deep nod to my favorite vintage fashions.

I explored my personality through my style, asking myself questions like: How do I want people to respond to me? How can I show people who I am instead of telling them who I am? How can I be my most genuine self in every aspect of my life - including my clothing?

I went from being afraid to try, lest I failed, to exploring my creativity in uncharted ways. And an amazing thing happened: women began to look to me for guidance.

Personal style is a beautiful intersection of art, science, and psychology. Inspiration is everywhere, and I love helping my clients develop their own sartorial calling card. Whatever speaks to you, whatever you love, I promise you can find a way to incorporate it into your personal style in a way that is not only beautiful, but effective.

So if you’re feeling stuck and you want a friend to guide you, let’s chat. Your style BFF is here, and I can’t wait to meet you.


About Me (the fun stuff)

  • I’m a passionate baker and home cook, and I love experimenting with new recipes and flavors. I love to throw themed parties with special menus.

  • My library card is one of my most prized possessions. I enjoy reading poetry, literary fiction, fairy tales, and personal development books.

  • My season is Bright Winter, and my style archetype is Romantic Natural. My current style catchphrase is Disco Fairy.

  • If you like personality typing, I’m also an INFJ, an enneagram 6, and a Scorpio. My favorite tarot card is The Star.

  • I live in Louisville, Kentucky with my husband, my two kids, and our five cats.